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Nilsan Healthcare is a leading Ayurveda firm. The company was established in the year 2021 and has a good amount of experience in the field. The company manufactures / marketing a wide range of Ayurveda products such as capsules, tablets, syrups, sachets, powders, oils, etc. Company place Ahilyanagar M.I.D.C, Maharashtra India Also, the company’s sole aim is to build a healthy relationship with its clients and give them the best service they have been expecting. Nilsan Healthcare is very ethical with its dealings and keeps it real with its clients. Moreover, the company is currently excelling in terms of quality, assurance, and innovation.
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Hello Friends after using this medicine 8 month I am giving my review.
One of best medicine for hip joint (AVN) Problem medicine research And develop after COVID ,and it's specially work on necrosis problem in any body joint I got all information from Mr. Sandeep sir he explained me how Nilsan Healthcare Medicine work on AVN (avascular necrosis ) blood supply problem I started getting results after 12 to 15 days only, got full of confidence to cure problem.
Know condition is no limping no pain
I left medicine taking only doing massage oil name kemayagar 1 day living, for making bone strong know I feel full of confidence can go any where travel alone and with family also I suggest to my friends to take and use Nilsan health care Hip joint problem (AVN) Kit and see how life change.

बहुत अच्छी और असरदार दवा मुझे लगती है पहली दवा किट है जो हिप जॉइंट नेक्रोसिस पर काम करती है 2 साल से परेशान थी मैंने लेजर ट्रीटमेंट लिया 4 लाख खर्चा आया कुछ भी आराम नहीं मिला बोले हार माहीने आना होगा एस्से करके टालते रहे भोपाल में पंच कर्म के नाम पर 45 दिन का 80 हजार लिया परेशान होने के बाद निल्सन हेल्थकेयर का वीडियो यू ट्यूब चैनल देखा डिस्कस किया समझा और दवा लिया पहले महीने से ही आराम लग गया अभी 4 महीने हुआ है आयुर्वेदिक दवा खाते कोई लंगड़ाहट नहीं, कोई दर्द नहीं। 6 महीने के बाद एक्स रे या एमआरआई करूंगी तो अगले का रिव्यू जरूर दूंगी। कोई भी एवीएन (एवेस्कुलर नेक्रोसिस) मुख्य रूप से पीड़ित है वो निल्सन का आयुर्वेदिक दवा ले सकता है 1 महीने में ही समझ में आ जाएगा आप निल्सन हेल्थ केयर की दवा और आहार का पालन करके अपने आप को सामान्य जीवन दे सकते |
Nilson Healthcare is a very good company in Ayurveda
In this company, is considered a very good medicine for (AVN ) Avascular Necrosis, joints problem.
"Trust Ayurveda, choose an active, fulfilling life without knowing diseases!", it works very well in. I gave the medicine of Nilsan Healthcare company to the patients suffering from avascular necrosis. Those people have got immense benefit & No one has seen any side effects from this medicine made from complete herbs. For this I thank the director and workers of this company very much.

Giving review after 1 year using this medicine I use homoeopathic medicine for near about 1 year from Indore (MP) Pratapgarh (UP). All give just pain killer and took 15000 per month from me no results I suggest new patient to confirm from 3 to 4 old patient to take medicine from here I saw Nilsan Healthcare Sandeep sir video in youtube channel and called him he explained me nicely and told me how he research blood supply problem disease (AVN) after taking this medicine 20 days I got relief in pain and limping after using 3 to 4 month my legs and hip movements where normal I follow diet plan of Nilsan Health care and lose my weight 8 kg in 6 to 7 month no weakness.
I understood that this medicine can cure me my problem so friends who is suffering from Avascular necrosis can take this medicine no side effects.
आज मुझे पूरे 5 महीने हो गए दवा लेते मुझे बहुत अच्छा आराम है मैं ड्यूटी जाने लगा हूं 4 महीने की दवा लेने के बाद पहले मैंने दवा जहां से खाई कोई आराम नहीं मिला होम्योपैथिक मेडिसिन मैं 7 महीने लिए एक तो कोई नाम पता नहीं कोई इंग्रेडिएंट्स नहीं लिखा बस साबूदाने जैसी गोली लिक्विड और कुछ पाउडर देते थे आराम आएगा ऐसा बोलते थे पर कोई फायदा नहीं हुआ थक हार कर मैं निल्सन हेल्थकेयर की मेडिसिन ली यूट्यूब पर मेडिसिन कैसे हिप जॉइंट प्रॉब्लम पर काम करती है और जानकारी जिस तरीके से दी है मुझे समझ आ गया कि मुझे यह मेडिसिन लेना चाहिए मेडिसिन तो अच्छी है।
और जो मूवमेंट मेरे थोड़े लॉक हो गए थे तो मैंने निल्सन हेल्थकेयर का किमयागार तेल लगाया रोज रात को सोने से पहले मसाज करके सोता था धीरे-धीरे लगने लगा पैरों में जान आ गई है
काफी खुशी महसूस हो रही है I मैं थर्ड स्टेज में हूं मुझे लगता है ।
एक साल के अंदर मैं इस बीमारी से छुटकारा पा जाऊंगा |

Hello I am Dr J. P Verma from Varanasi giving my Opinion after using Nilsan Healthcare Medicine one and half year Ayurvedic medicine is very genuine medicine shown me the result in my patient within 15 days Nilsan Healthcare Medicine is very effective and powerful for working hip joint ,knee joint and all kind of bone joint part problem. Thanks to Nilsan Healthcare Team for researching and developing such a wonderful kind of medicine which work in bone problem.
In my hospital many patients visit and get cure and reverse there stage from 3rd to 2nd and also from 2nd to 1st many patient get cure and having normal life they can do there work easily and simply.
I am using nilsan healthcare medicine from 6 month really I am happy to say you and give my review that this medicine r very natural and effective medicine which work on joints problem and specially in (AVN) case medicine has given me magical results patient are giving there feed back in 10 to 20 days only after using this medicine great and good job done by nilsan healthcare team
Thank you so much for researching and developing such a wonderful pure and good work natural Ayurvedic medicine