Can Ayurveda cure AVN?
As there is no permanent cure for AVN, Core decompression in the initial stage and Hip replacement in the later stage are the only option which have its own complications. Here, in this case study the Ayurveda treatment for AVN helps to improve the range of movements of hip joint. And the treatments are non-invasive and cost effective.
Treatment of AVN depends on many factors such as age, location and extent of bone loss, stage of disease and cause of AVN. Treatment options can be non-surgical such as
The efficiency of Ayurvedic treatment in the management of AVN of the femoral head is quite encouraging & helpful.
Stage 1 or Stage 2 of Avascular Necrosis are 100% curable with effective Ayurvedic Treatment. In stage 3, the pain and normal range of movement of the joint is remarkably improved and the patient can lead a normal life.
A holistic approach combining both conventional medicines & Ayurvedic Treatments has been proven beneficial among many individuals suffering from AVN ailment where underlying.
Causative factors get efficiently addressed while providing relief from symptomatic discomfort though duration may very depending upon extent & severity present among different sufferers.
It looks at how elements like diet, lifestyle changes, ayurvedic medicines, yoga, and meditation can work together to heal an individual’s body on many levels.
Medicinal formulations/medicated oils specifically prepared as mentioned in the classical ayurvedic books using ingredients mentioned in it under expert guidance are beneficial in treating Avascular Necrosis (AVN).
Research Point Will tell you in detail how each plant of some of Nilsan Healthcare products helps in treating the symptoms of Avascular Necrosis.
For example, if we want to stop the inflammation that increases in the bone, then some of the herbs in our Ayurveda have that capability, such as “If basil leaves are crushed, the eugenol chemical is released. If eugenol is placed where the tumor cells are, it stops the growth of the cells. Tulsi plant is a great storehouse of anti-cancer medicine.
Tulsi is hot and bitter in taste, and in the deep tissues, it normalizes dry tissue secretions and Kapha and Vata.
Basil protects against toxic chemical-induced injuries by increasing the levels of anti-oxidants like glutathione in the body and the activity of anti-oxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase and catalase, which protects cellular organelles and membranes.
reduces oxidative tissue damage and normalizes many physiological and biochemical parameters caused by physical stress.
Arjuna has been reported to promote bone formation. It acts by enhancing bone formation by stimulating osteoblastic activity. It is this used in the management of fractures, osteoporosis, and avascular necrosis (AVN). Arjuna lowers the raised blood pressure. However, it doesn’t lower the normal blood pressure. It is this useful in hypertension. Dyslipidemia & Atherosclerosis – Described as medohara, Arjuna has been reported to lower the total blood cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, and raise the low HDL cholesterol. It is thus useful in raised serum cholesterol, triglycerides (dyslipidemia)
The bark of T. arjuna contains large amount of various minerals and trace elements such as magnesium (4000 μg/g), calcium (3133 μg/g), zinc (119 μg/g) and copper (19 μg/g). It contains some amino acids such as tryptophan, tyrosine, histidine and cysteine.
Arjuna tree also has strong anti-hypertensive property and helps reduce high blood pressure, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, healing injuries, improves general weakness.
Saptrangi – Erythroprotein is an important glycoprotein hormone which induces stem cells (bone marrow) to create the red blood cells. extract ameliorates abnormal glucose metabolism and improves the bone strength
Hadjod also boosts the tissue regeneration process and ensures optimal blood supply to the affected area thereby helping in quicker healing of bones.
This wonder herb controls inflammation and enhances flexibility.
Kadulimba – This is the pain reliever, Purple – Purple peel is a blood purifier, cleanses your blood from the inside and cares for your skin from the outside. Your blood will be pure and metabolism will be good.
The rich anti-inflammatory agents of Curcumin are effective in reducing pain and stiffness due to bone illnesses. Curcumin in turmeric is known to help prevent the loss of bone minerals and also maintain bone density. Additionally, it helps influence the activity of bone producing cells and those that absorb old ones thereby making it an excellent solution for treating Osteoporosis.
It helps with bone calcification and increases the number of cells that produce bone tissue.
It also reduces inflamation and paves the way for better bone healing .
Ashwagandha also contains anti-inflammatory properties and promotes healthy joint functioning. In this process, it can be effective for Osteoporosis prevention. It helps to stimulate the osteoblasts that are in charge of bone development.
Aloe Vera – It can be beneficial in treating osteoarthritis. Apart from this, as aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties, its use can be beneficial for joint pain. According to the National Cancer Institute, aloe vera works to boost the immune system and can also help keep a person healthy.
Pippali – helps to reduce the amount of fat in the body.
Gudmar has anti – inflammatory properties that contain tannins and saponins compounds, which lessen the inflammation in the body by improving the immune system
Ghol or butter contains mainly omega-3, fatty acids, vitamins A, B, C, E, and multivitamins, 44% RDA, carotene, magnesium, calcium, iron, lithium, fiber, magnesium, potassium, copper, riboflavin, niacin and pyridoxine.
Pressure by gradually lowering the cholesterol in the blood and clearing the blood vessels.
Useful for weight loss, HDL & LDL Level maintain.
The solution is an energy booster.
Mass cells and bones are strengthened.
Purifies and increases the blood.
The whole plant is anti-rheumatic.
It is used to treat rheumatism, swollen glands,
It protects your muscles, joints and tissues from inflammation and pain to prevent arthritis.
It forces the blood stream to provide glucose every cell of the body.
It removes blood Impurity by purifying it completely.
It regulates the presence of watery fluids in the cells, tissues, and the serous cavities to prevent edema.
In Ivory Coast the plant is considered to be a nematicide and to relieve muscular pain.
VIJAYSAR – Helps Relieve Arthritis: A paste made from the leaves of the plant is known to help relieve pain and inflammation of the joint, muscle or bone. The potent analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of the plant is also beneficial in managing conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and other pain-causing inflammation
SHEVGA LEAVES – The leaves are high in protein, vitamin C, beta carotene, calcium, potassium and antioxidants. Apart from this, shevga leaves also contain ascorbic acid, folic acid and phenolic. These leaves contain a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids which can lower cholesterol levels
Kadu Indravana – According to Greek belief it is anti-inflammatory, carminative and beneficial in nervous diseases like paralysis, epilepsy, dementia, forgetfulness etc. It is a strong laxative and astringent.
Chemical analysis revealed trichosanthin, a substance similar to colocynthin, in its fruit pulp.
Jaswandi – Flower is considered antioxidant and hypolipidemic. It has many anti-cancer properties Due to its medicinal properties, it can be used to reduce the side effects of bone cancer.
Sweet lemon (curry leaf) –
These irons are blood boosters and blood purifiers. Consuming more of these leaves increases blood volume and helps in its purification.
The taste of Sonamukhi is bitter, sticky and stimulating. It is useful in increasing digestion, increasing appetite, as well as removing gas from large cells.
Actually, chirayata contains swertiamarin compound, which shows anti-arthritic activity. This effect reduces the problem of arthritis. The biggest symptom of arthritis is joint pain. For this reason, it is believed that chiraita can effectively reduce the problem of joint pain.
Fenugreek seeds
Fenugreek also contains many phytochemicals like alkaloids, carbohydrates, amino acids, minerals and steroidal saponins. are a great remedy for arthritis and sciatica problems.
Additionally, fenugreek also contains minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron and manganese. Beta carotene and vitamin C are considered essential components of fenugreek. Fenugreek is beneficial in treating arthritis.
Lajwanti has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, so its use provides relief from pain and swelling in arthritis.
Shilajit – Being rich in fulvic acid, a strong antioxidant and hence keeps inflammation at bay. As such, it also protects against free radicals and cellular damage. As a result, regular use of Shilajit leads to longevity, anti aging and overall good health. Shilajit contains fulvic acid and more than 84 minerals, so it can act as an antioxidant to improve your body’s immunity and memory, an anti-inflammatory to remove excess fluid from your body, an energy booster and a diuretic.
The wealth of anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties of the Kutki root is extensively used for providing relief from pain and inflammation due to Arthritis. It is also extremely effective against Rheumatoid arthritis which is known as Amavata in Ayurveda, an ailment that stems due to the vitiation of Vata doshas and accumulation of Ama in the joints.
bhuitarwad takla, – it has anti-cancer potential. it reduces cholesterol and more. effect on tridosha – balances vata dosha
circulatory system – leaf is indicated in heart related diseases, act as a blood purifier, strengthen the nervous
Bael might be effective for various infections caused by bacteria, indicating that it might act as a potent antibacterial agent
Bael might have a positive effect on the body by virtue of its potential antioxidant property. This property might be exhibited due to the presence of bioactive compounds like tannins, flavonoids etc. They might neutralise free radicals present in the body and may help reduce oxidative stress, which is the main causative factor for many diseases
Bael might also possess potential radioprotective properties. It might help the normal cells of the body against the harmful effects of exposure to radiation. As radiation leads to the production of free radicals in the body, the antioxidant activity of Bael might help the body by acting as a scavenger for these free radicals produced.
Giloy contains anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties which help to reduce arthritis and gout
Giloy may cause the immune system to become more active which may worsen the symptoms of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.
Jestha honey is very beneficial for blood circulation. Jestha honey has medicinal properties to reduce vata and pitta dosha. Arthritis : Jestha honey is beneficial in many diseases one of which is arthritis. Jestha honey is rich in antioxidant and antibiotic properties.
Maharasnadi is an Ayurvedic medicine that’s used to treat a variety of conditions, including joint pain, arthritis, and back pain: Joint pain
Maharasnadi can help with joint pain, inflammation, and stiffness. It can also help with rheumatoid pain, gout, and sciatica.
Maharasnadi can help stimulate nerve function and restore strength and mobility to weakened bones and joints.
Nirgundi has been traditionally used to alleviate symptoms associated with arthritis, including joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties may help reduce inflammation and discomfort in affected joints.
Amino acid supplements
- Amino acids : Leucine, isoleucine, and valine have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce joint pain.
- Glutamine: Helps reduce muscle damage and fatigue.
- D-phenylalanine: Inhibits the enzyme that breaks down endorphins, which are natural pain suppressors.
Other supplements
- Glucosamine: A natural component of cartilage that can help reduce stiffness, swelling, and pain.
- Chondroitin: A natural component of cartilage that can help improve function.
- Omega-3 fatty acids : Research shows that omega-3s can reduce inflammation, which may lead to less joint pain.
In most signaling studies, were proven to increase bone mass. Lysine, threonine, methionine, tryptophan, and isoleucine can increase osteoblast proliferation, activation, and differentiation, and decrease osteoclast activity.
Kuchla, which is rich in analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving properties due to the presence of prominent bioactive components, provides considerable relief from pain and inflammation in cases of gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis, as well as joint discomfort. This plant, which has a natural vasodilating impact on the body, is also used to treat painful muscle spasms, aching muscles, arthritic disorders, and other inflammatory situations. Several studies have found that taking this medicinal plant significantly alleviated arthritic symptoms and even modulated the immunological response.
Payaj beej : Onion seeds are a good source of calcium and other minerals essential for maintaining strong bones and preventing osteoporosis.
It contains many researched herbs that can help with symptoms of avascular necrosis and improve daily routine and disease.